Reviews are brief summaries of developments in fast moving areas. They must be based on published articles, and may address any area related to the scope of the journal
Research Articles should describe new findings, and experimental procedures should be given in detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly. A concise presentation is encouraged. Limits 5-6 journal pages/ max 3000 words,
Short Communications is for a concise but independent report or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.
Case Reports Novel/interesting/extremely rare cases or rare presentations can be reported. Cases with clinical significance or implications will be given priority. Up to 3 - 4 Pages.
Letters Should reflect short, decisive observation. Up to 500-1000 words and five references
Authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts using the SRL Article template All submissions must be made electronically via the web-enable online manuscript submission form. Word document is acceptable format, it is recommended that all tables and figures be assembled into a single file together with the main text when submitted.
The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter stating the title of the manuscript, names of each author, and complete mailing address(es), telephone and fax number(s) of the corresponding author, electronic mail address(es). Manuscripts should be double-spaced and all pages, including the abstract, figures, and tables, should be numbered in sequence.
*Authors/contributors are responsible for originality, contents, correct references, and ethical issues.
Use the following free plagarism checking software before you submit paper
The title should be informative and as short as is consistent with clarity
List full names of all authors. A footnote to an author, indicating a change of address, should be given on the title page using one of the following superscript: 1, 2, 3. The asterisk symbol * should be reserved for the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
List the institutions in which the work was carried out. Identify the affiliations of all authors and their institutions, departments, or organizations by use of superscript lower case alphabets.
The abstract should not exceed 250 words, and should concisely summarize the basic content of the paper. Experimental details should not be presented in the abstract. Avoid specialized terms, abbreviations, diagrams, and references.
Introduction states the purpose of the investigation and its relation to other works in the same field, but should not present an extensive review of the literature.
The descriptions in Materials and method should be brief, but sufficiently detailed to permit repetition of the work by a qualified operator. Refer to published procedures by citing both the original description and pertinent published modifications. Do not include extensive details unless they constitute a significant new modification.
Results and discussion should describe the results of the experiments. Present the results as concisely as possible in one of the following: text, table(s), or figure(s). Avoid presenting essentially similar data in both table and figure form. Also avoid extensive use of graphs to present data that might be more concisely presented in the text or tables. Limit photographs to those that are absolutely necessary for presenting the experimental findings. Number, figures and tables according to the order of citation in the text. Discussion: should be concise and provide an interpretation of the results in relation to previously published work and to the experimental system at hand. It should not contain extensive repetition of the Results section or reiteration of the Introduction.
Acknowledge personal assistance and financial assistance in the same paragraphs.
Citations of relevant published work in the text, from Introduction to Results and discussion should read John (2010) or (John, 2010). When a paper cited has three or more authors, use the style Kumar et al. (2012) or (Kumar et al., 2012).
References section must be in alphabetical order by the first author. Use the following style:
Article in a journal: Cho JY, Son J, Park BJ, and Chung BY (2009). Distribution and pollution sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in reclaimed tidelands and tidelands of the western sea coast of South Korea. Environ. Monit. Assess. 149: 385-393.
If the authors more than 4 use “et al”
Article in a book:
Daniell H, Camrmona-Sanchez O, and Burns B (2004). Chloroplast derived antibodies, biopharmaceuticals and edible vaccines. In Molecular Farming, Eds. R. Rischer and S. Schillberg, Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag, pp. 113-133.
An entire book:
Wickner RB, Esteban R, and Suzuki N (2000). Virus Taxonomy, California: Academic Press.
References should include only articles that are published or in press. Do not list Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts, abstracts, and personal communications.
Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers in order of appearance in the text. Type each table single-spaced on a separate page with short descriptive title typed directly above and with essential footnotes below. Footnotes to tables should be identified with the italic superscript lower case and placed at the bottom of the table.
Figures should be approximately the same size as you would like to appear in press. Prepare and save your figures as .gif, .jpeg more than 300 dpi resolution. Number figures consecutively with Arabic numbers. Figure legends should provide enough information for the figure to be understandable without frequent reference to the text. Define all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure that have not been defined elsewhere.
Copy rights
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as – tacitly or explicitly – by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out. The author warrants that his/her contribution is original and that he/she has full power to make this grant. The author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors. Transfer of copyright becomes effective if and when the article is accepted for publication. After submission of the Copyright Transfer Statement signed by the corresponding author, changes of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will not be accepted. The publication time changes from fort night to months, depends upon the number of articles received for the issue. Any changes after publishing online cause extra payment for corrections. Downloadcopy right form
Publication Fees
There is NO membership, subscritption, evaluation and publication fees. From 01 January 2018, the authors are requested to pay only article maintenance fees.
Authors of India : INR 1500 (max three authors, additional author should pay INR 500/author)
SAARC Countries : Equivalent to Indian rupees, upto 3 authors
Other SAARC : USD 30
Developed countries : USD 100
Important point for reviewers
To be selected as a reviewer, you must have published articles in peer-reviewed journals. The experience of publishing provides a reviewer with the basis for preparing a thorough, objective review.
It is critical to be a regular reader of the five to six empirical journals that are most central to the area or journal for which you would like to review. Current knowledge of recently published research provides a reviewer with the knowledge base to evaluate a new submission within the context of existing research.
To select the appropriate reviewers for each manuscript, the editor needs detailed information. Please include your vita with your letter. In your letter, please identify that for which Science Research Library Journal(s) you are interested in and describe your area of expertise. Be as specific as possible.
Reviewing a manuscript takes time (2-6 hours per manuscript reviewed). If you are selected to review a manuscript, be prepared to invest the necessary time to evaluate the manuscript thoroughly.
Reviewer should submit the report within 7 days after receiving the manuscript.